Being A Carer

Care Givers to people with MS are usually spouses, children and parents. Caring for someone with MS can be difficult because the disease is unpredictable and so caregiving needs are continually changing.

Each person with MS has a different set of symptoms and disease course. The most common type of MS is one that relapses and remits, meaning there are often times of high functioning and capability, and other times the person will need significant support and assistance.

The needs of those with MS vary greatly and can change drastically over time, but often not in a progressive pattern. This can make caregiving very complicated, as it may be difficult to know when the person with MS will need care and how much he or she will need.

There are many advocacy and support groups, both online, and in-person meet up groups, that may be critical to you as a Care Giver, to know how to deal with the ups and downs and the unpredictable nature of MS. From these, a wealth of information may be garnered. 

Family Carers Ireland provide a range of services and supports for family carers, including support groups, counselling, personal advocacy, home care services, an information line and training. Family Carers Ireland also provides a mentoring programme nationwide for family carers. They pair up experienced carers with newer carers in similar roles, for peer support. For more information visit their website at:

Care Alliance Ireland have an Online Family Carer Support Project which offers peer-to-peer support to family carers all around the country. The support group is moderated by a mix of health and social care professionals and family carers and offers a safe space to discuss life as a family carer and to engage with other group members.


The group, which has over 3,800 family carers, provides an opportunity for members to interact and have fun with others who understand life as a family carer. There are regular online social activities including a book club, monthly quiz nights and coffee mornings as well as chair yoga, gardening club, art classes and Crafty Carers. There are also regular chances to win prizes and hampers. Members are also signposted to carer specific psycho-social/educational activities delivered by other organisations.


The Online Family Carer Support Project is run through a private group on Facebook, to join please visit:


Care Alliance Ireland provide a range of supports and services which can be explored here
