Facebook Fundraisers

Have a birthday coming up soon? Are you embarking on a new challenge? Why not celebrate your birthday or your achievements while raising vital funds for MS Ireland. Simply set up a fundraiser through Facebook

fb birthday

Creating a Facebook Fundraiser is great way to raise funds. Your friends, family and co‐workers can donate easily and securely right through Facebook, and the money is deposited directly into the MS Ireland bank account.

Not sure how-to setup your fundraising event on Facebook?

Follow the 5 easy steps below:

1. Head over to  https://www.facebook.com/MultipleSclerosisIreland

2. Scroll down until you see "Fundraisers" on the left side of the page then click "See All"

3. On the top right hand of the screen you will see "Create a fundraiser", under that select the "Raise Money" button

4. On the left-hand side of the page (where it says "Details") you can set a fundraising target and the date your fundraiser should end. These are both up to you!

5. Add a description to your fundraiser to tell your story about why you are organising a virtual event. It’s good to tell your story ‐ it shows your friends and family members that this means something to you, and they’ll be more likely to give you a donation. You can also add an image to your fundraiser to make it more personal.

We will help you along the way and make sure your donors know that you have our support.

Good luck and thank you!
