MS Ireland have a dedicated team of volunteers at our 27 voluntary Branches around the country. Branches are primarily run by people with MS and their families. They are governed by an elected committee to organise the activities of the Branch including all the services and fundraising activities. Voluntary Branches work very closely with the regional offices.
Get Involved
To get involved at a local level please contact our Branch Liaison Officer, Tríona Ní Ráinne at
Local Voluntary Branches
To find out more about your local branch, including how to support your branch and your branch committee, please visit our branch pages below.

Support Your Local Branch with iDonate
You can now create our own fundraising event in support of your local MS branch.
Watch the video below to hear Triona Ní Rainne, Branch Development Manager, and local branch volunteers as they highlight the importance of MS Ireland's network of local branches. Discover how these branches provide essential support and help build strong communities for individuals living with MS across the country.