Naomi Donaldson

Naomi Donaldson is supporting our #IaMSomeone campaign by sharing her MS story.

I plucked up the courage to ask my neurologist the question that I had been putting off and he told me “be the pregnant lady with MS, not the MS patient who’s pregnant.

“My name is Naomi, I am a person with MS and a mother.

I was diagnosed with MS in 2011, shortly before I got married. My sister was diagnosed with MS in 2010 and was doing great, so I wasn’t afraid of the illness, but the question that kept me awake at night was “Am I going to be able to have kids?”

I plucked up the courage to ask my neurologist the question that I had been putting off and he told me “be the pregnant lady with MS, not the MS patient who’s pregnant.”

Our son Evan was born 2017 and I have learned so much in those 6 years. He is 6 and has Autism Spectrum Disorder. He is quirky, funny and so smart, he runs rings around us! Caring for a child with additional needs is not always easy, doing it while living with a chronic illness can make it feel even more difficult.

I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome shortly after Evan was born. There are days when it takes all my energy to get out of bed, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. We always wanted to have two children, but I decided prioritising my health to make sure I am the healthiest parent I can be to the child we have is far more important than him having a sibling.

As a parent I learn something new everyday. Evan is a facts person, did you know that the Earth used to have rings like Saturn? I have learned what my limits are, where to channel my energy and to lean on people for support. I am so glad I asked the question about having children and didn’t let me fears rob me of the greatest gift I have ever received.” - Naomi Donaldson

