
Local flower arrangers raise funds for Charity


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Reverend William McMillan, MBE presenting cheque to Olivia Kirwan, MS Ireland. Photo courtesy of Joe Curtis

A group of flower arrangers, from both North & South, decided to raise funds for charity and to celebrate the life of 80 year old World Renowned Flower Arranger, Reverend William McMillan, MBE.  The group took the name ‘Celebrations’ and under the chairmanship of Co. Dublin man, Christopher White, raised a total of €6,000. The money was divided between 3 worthy causes; €3,000 was divided into €1,500 each to Multiple Sclerosis in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The 'Celebrations committee' comprised flower arrangers from both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and included some of the best names in the business. All the meetings took place at City North Hotel and all those involved looked after their own expenses in order to swell the charity fund.
