Universal Access to Affordable Medicine

Worldwide campaign

We have made monumental advances in healthcare and yet every year over 10 million people die because they cannot afford the life-saving medicine they need. This needs to change. We envision a world where access to affordable medicine is understood and experienced as a basic human right. By 2025 we want to make this a reality.

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Access Our Medicine is a call for innovation. And by 2016, we want that call to come from 1,000,000 people. By adding your name, you can join thousands of individuals and organisations from around the world who declare that medicines must be affordable to all.

Our mission is to use our collective statement as a challenge to all stakeholders – from patients to healthcare providers, industry leaders to innovators – to work together to create transformative ideas, unique models and groundbreaking innovations that will bring affordable medicine to all.

Everyone is invited. Every name is valued. Join us.

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