
Displaying 31 - 40 of 1741 Articles
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MS Ireland
19 Jul 2024

Watch Back What If You Cannot Work Webinar

Our host Trevis Gleason welcomed Mary Devereux to talk about her personal experiences with work after her diagnosis, MS Community Worker Siobhan talked about employment entitlements and where to get that information and Sara Ruane, Dip Psych., MIAHIP, MIACP, ICP who is an experienced Psychotherapist. Watch 'What If You Cannot Work' webinar recording below.

A crayon drawing of a Christmas scene with a tree, gifts, and cheerful people
MS Ireland
18 Jul 2024

Enter Our Christmas Card Design Competition

We are delighted to announce a Christmas card design competition for individuals under 13 who have a loved one living with MS. We will select 6 winning designs to be printed as part of our Christmas card packs, available for purchase in our online shop.

Picture of Nadia
Nadia Anshasi
12 Jul 2024

Nadia Takes A Trip Down Memory Lane

Many years ago, I remember trying to articulate how an MS diagnosis affects your relationships. I told my Mam that it’s like being at the epicentre of an earthquake. The diagnosis just keeps rippling out until it touches every aspect of your life and every person with whom you have any semblance of a relationship. The earthquake creates a canyon too wide for some friendships to continue any further. This natural disaster somehow pushes you closer to people who might surprise you. Rescue can come from new sources and people that you never even thought you’d encounter on this journey called life.

sample conference
MS Ireland
11 Jul 2024

Help Us Name Our National Conference

We are thrilled to announce our upcoming National Conference, set to take place at the Hillgrove Hotel, Monaghan, this November!

This year's conference will feature an incredible lineup of sessions, including: 

  • Current & Emerging Treatments in MS 
  • Fatigue Management 
  • Assistive Tech 
  • Benefits & Entitlements 
  • Diet, Nutrition & MS Management
MS Ireland
11 Jul 2024

Annual General Meeting 2024

25th Annual General Meeting (64th AGM since MS Ireland’s foundation)

Note the change of date for the Annual General Meeting 2024: Monday, 30th September 2024 at 7.00pm

MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
08 Jul 2024

MS Ireland Pre Budget Submission 2025

Summary of key asks for Budget 2025

  • Sustainable funding for national physiotherapy services for people with Multiple Sclerosis, and other neurological conditions totalling €880,000 per annum or €94,000 per CHO
  • An increase of €627,000 in annual investment in the National MS Respite Centre

Our Pre-Budget Submission can be read in full HERE


For further information, please email Alison:

MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
02 Jul 2024

Ocrevus Subcutaneous

Roche has recently announced that the European Commission has granted marketing authorisation for Ocrevus (ocrelizumab) subcutaneous (under the skin) injection (Ocrevus SC). This new 10-minute administration offers comparable efficacy and safety to the existing intravenous (IV) infusion, providing a significant advancement for people living with relapsing multiple sclerosis and primary progressive multiple sclerosis.
