New Treatments For Relapsing-Remitting MS
Tecfidera and Plegridy have been made available in Ireland for people with RRMS
UPDATE: Believe and Achieve Project
EMSP internship programme for young professionals with MS
Brain Awareness Week 2015
Raising awareness of living with a neurological condition in Ireland
Waiting on Tests Results!
A few months ago, a letter arrived from the hospital. I ripped it open- “an appointment has been arranged for you to attend the Ocular Toxicity Clinic. In this clinic, potential ocular side-effects you may have from the medication you are taking will be assessed”. I know that they are checking for Macular Oedema, which occurs when fluid and protein deposits collect on or under the macula of the eye, causing it to thicken and swell. Yikes! First my noggin and now my peepers?????