
Displaying 1251 - 1260 of 1676 Articles
Joan Jordan
31 Jul 2014

Writing a CV

Three years ago, my computer died a sudden, premature and grizzly death. No warning! Just gave up the ghost during a Google search. I lost EVERYTHING! Apart from teaching me the hard way to make regular backups, I had to embark on a treasure hunt to recover any paper copies of important documents I had lying about.

Declan Groeger
24 Jul 2014

The Importance of Focus

We need 'focus' in our everyday lives to achieve our goals or targets. We need self-discipline to stay on track. Our battle with Multiple Sclerosis is a never ending battle and there are very few lulls in the fighting and because of that we need focus more than most. The need for focus begins with little things, with attainable targets. We need 'our little victories' as Claire Mitchell wrote in her recent blog. The longest journey begins with one step. Take the first step and set yourself a target, the second step is to set a route plan to reach the target and the third step is a celebration having reached your goal.
