
Displaying 21 - 30 of 310 Articles
MSIF/MS Ireland
25 May 2016

MS Employment Report

The global themes for World MS Day 2016 are Independence and Employment. A global MS Employment report by the MS International Federation (MSIF), released today Wednesday, 25th May to coincide with World MS Day, shows that a significant number of people with MS are leaving employment earlier than they need to. The report is based on data from a global survey of over 12,200 people affected by MS.

Declan Groeger
15 Oct 2015

Hobbies, Pastimes, Interests

Hobbies, or pastimes, are an important part of life and they take on an even greater significance when living with a debilitating long term illness like Multiple Sclerosis. It is also important to recognise your limitations and to know when a particular hobby is no longer suitable to a particular point in your life cycle. 
