Investigating Evidence-Based Practices in OT for MS

Calling all Health Care Professionals: Investigating Evidence-Based Practices in Occupational Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis

The OTiMS* an international team are exploring the barriers and facilitators of using scientific evidence in the practice of occupational therapists working with individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS) and we need your help!

What are we looking for? 

We are interested in common practices of occupational therapists working with people with multiple sclerosis, and value all input. There are no right or wrong answers; we are interested in your opinions and your own (non-)use of evidence in your practice. 

What would we like from you? 

We invite you to complete the anonymous online survey and share your practices! It will take about 20 minutes to complete. You can complete the survey in one session or save your answers and return later with a code provided. 

The survey is in English and can also be completed using the “Translate” function of your internet browser (see below for instructions). 

You can find the link to survey here 

What is in there for you? 

Based on this research, strategies will be developed to facilitate the use of evidence in clinical practice. The results of this project will support occupational therapists in making evidence-based decisions in daily practice to support people with MS and their carers. Results of this project will be disseminated through occupational therapy and multiple sclerosis network organisations, published in journals and shared via LinkedIn. 

What will we do with your data? 

As a result of your participation in this study, (anonymous) data you entered will be collected and processed. This processing will be done in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Ethical approval for this study was obtained by SMEC KU Leuven (G-2024-7882). 

Any questions? 

In case of further questions about this research project, you can contact the supervisor Prof. Daphne Kos ( 

Thank you very much for your engagement! 

The OTiMS* team 
*Occupational Therapy in Multiple Sclerosis  

Instructions to use the Translate function in your browser: 


Chrome use Google Translate to translate webpages. To enable or disable translation in Chrome, follow these instructions from Chrome’s help centre. 
The Microsoft Edge web browser supports translation for more than 60 languages. The browser will automatically prompt you to translate a webpage when the page you’re opening is in a language other than those listed under your preferred languages in settings. See how it works. 
Firefox uses add-ons. The Google Translate add-on is recommended. Find information about other options here. 
Safari use Google Translate to translate webpages. To enable or disable translation in Safari, install the Translate extensions from the Safari Extensions Gallery. 
To translate in Safari, right-click on a page and select Translate this page and a translation bar displays below the address bar. Select the language to translate to in the translation bar, then click the Translate a webpage arrow. 