Western Region Voluntary Branches
MS Ireland’s voluntary Branches are primarily run by people with MS and their families. They are governed by an elected committee to organise the activities of the Branch including all the services and fundraising activities. Voluntary Branches work very closely with the regional offices.
The voluntary Branches below provide local support and services to people and families with MS in their own communities. The work of the Branch depends on the resources it has, the needs of people in the community and the size of the Branch.
Mayo South
Mayo South
Chairperson: Mr Anthony Cannon
Vice-Chair: Mr Liam Cannon
Secretary: Ms Louise Power
Assistant Secretary: Ms Sharon Dillon
Treasurer: Mr Damien Barrett
Assistant Treasurer: Ms. Sharon Dillon
PRO: Mr Anthony Candon
Council Delegate: Mr Anthony Candon
You can now create our own fundraising event in support of your local MS branch. Find out more here: https://www.idonate.ie/team/msmayosouth
Chairperson: Ms Bridin Connelly
Secretary: Ms. Caroline Kedian
Assistant Secretary: Patsy Burke
Treasurer: Ms. Teresa Cahill
Council Delegate: Ms. Teresa Cahill
Alternate Council Delegate: Ms Bridin Connelly
You can now create our own fundraising event in support of your local MS branch. Find out more here: https://www.idonate.ie/team/msroscommonbranch
Chairperson: Ms Josephine Regan
Vice-Chair: Mr Damien Gibbon
Secretary: Ms Caroline McCavera
Assistant Secretary: Ms Gretta Kavanagh
Treasurer: Ms Mary Melia
Assistant Treasurer: Ms Sarah Kelly
PRO: Ms Mary Melia
You can now create our own fundraising event in support of your local MS branch. Find out more here: https://www.idonate.ie/team/mstuambranch

MS Ireland Branch Handbook
The branch handbook has been developed to support our local voluntary branches with their work.