World MS Day Coffee Morning at the Care Centre

We are thrilled to invite you to our annual World MS Day Coffee Morning at the MS Care Centre on May 30th. This special event is an opportunity for the community to come together in support of those affected by Multiple Sclerosis, raise awareness, and enjoy a morning filled with fun, coffee, cake, entertainment, a raffle and a plant sale! 

Why Attend?

World MS Day is about bringing the community together to share stories, raise awareness, and support each other. By attending our Coffee Morning, you’re not only enjoying a great event but also contributing to a cause that helps improve the lives of those living with Multiple Sclerosis.

Date: May 30th
Time: 10:00am - 2:00pm
Location: MS Care Centre, 65 Bushy Park Road, Dublin D06 CV90

We’d love to see you there! Bring your friends and family for a morning of coffee, cake, and conversation.

Poster for World MS Day 2024 Coffee Morning on May 30, highlighting early MS diagnosis with raffles, plant and cake sales, from 10:00-14:00 at MS Care Centre, Dublin.