
Displaying 51 - 60 of 286 Articles
MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
14 Sep 2021

Understanding MS@Work’

MS Ireland launches dedicated resource ‘Understanding MS@Work’ for people living with MS and their employers to become more informed on the daily impact of MS. 9 out of 10 people with MS say the pandemic has helped steer conversations with their employers about the benefits of working from home long-term.

  • New research among MS Ireland members reveals impact of COVID-19 on employment, and how working life with MS can be better understood by employers
  • 80% of people with MS say the way they work has changed as a result of the pandemic
  • Although 85% say their employer knows they are living with MS, more than one-fifth (21%) of respondents cited ‘lack of understanding / empathy’ as the issue that most impacts their working life
MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
30 Aug 2021

Societal Cost of MS

‘The Societal Cost of Multiple Sclerosis in Ireland’ was initially conducted in 2015. As much has changed in recent years, we are looking to gain an insight into the current ‘Societal Cost of MS in Ireland’ to identify and compare any differences in your lives. Please complete the survey at the following link it should take 20 minutes.

MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
11 Aug 2021

National Transport Authority (NTA) SURVEY

The National Transport Authority (NTA) is conducting research with the aim of gaining a better understanding of the accessibility requirements and experience of users of small public service vehicle (SPSV), for example taxis and hackneys.

MS Ireland
23 Jul 2021

Love Home Swap Survey

Love Home Swap is currently looking for participants to help them in a research project that will open the doors to better holiday options for people with accessibility needs.

MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
22 Jul 2021

World Brain Day 2021

World Brain Day 2021 is dedicated to multiple sclerosis (MS), a neurological disease that affects 2.8 million people of all ages globally. Disease-modifying treatments slow the progression of MS, yet access to these medications is unavailable in many parts of the world. 

MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
20 Jul 2021

World Brain Day 2021

The MS International Federation is delighted to be partnering with the World Federation of Neurology (WFN) this year on World Brain Day. The 2021 theme is Stop Multiple Sclerosis.

As part of the 2021 World Brain Day campaign, the WFN and MSIF are inviting those with multiple sclerosis, their loved ones, healthcare professionals, multiple sclerosis organisations and everyone else to join in to raise awareness to stop multiple sclerosis through the use of the hashtag #WorldBrainDay2021.


MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
06 Jul 2021

Prof. Alan Thompson Charcot Award

MS Ireland would like to congratulate Prof. Alan Thompson on winning the 2021 Charcot Award. The Charcot Award recognises a lifetime achievement in outstanding research into understanding and treating MS.  Prof. Thompson who is the Dean of the Faculty of Brain Sciences at UCL in the UK, is a long-time supporter of MS Ireland who has focused his 40-year career on the care and treatment of people living with MS.
